Make a color from individual color components (RGB space). Each component can have values between 0 and 1.
Red component. Default: 0
Green component. Default: 0
Blue component. Default: 0
Alpha component. Default: 1
Index for red component
Index for green component
Index for blue component
Index for alpha value
Alpha value
Blue component
Green component
Red component
Return a copy of this color
Multiply element-wise (f*r, f*g, f*b, f*a)
Convert to a hexadecimal string in the form 'RRGGBBAA'
Convert to a string in the form '(R=,G=,B=,A=)'
Convert to a vector, with x=r y=g z=b
Smoothly interpolate towards a varying target color
Current color
Target color
Time since last tick
Interpolation speed
A color represented by RGB components. The range for each component is from 0 to 1.