Make a rotator {Pitch, Yaw, Roll} from rotation values
Rotation around Y axis in degrees
Rotation around Z axis in degrees
Rotation around X axis in degrees
Index for pitch
Index for yaw
Index for roll
Pitch (degrees) around Y axis
Roll (degrees) around X axis
Yaw (degrees) around Z axis
Return a copy of this Rotator
Return true if this rotator is equal to rotator b (a == b) within a specified error tolerance
Rotator to compare to
Maximum total difference
Return world forward vector rotated by this rotation
Return world right vector rotated by this rotation
Return world up vector rotated by this rotation
Return rotator representing this rotation scaled by b
Factor to multiply with
Return negated rotator. For the inverse rotation, use getInverse.
Convert to a string in the form 'P= Y= R='
Get the X direction vector after this rotation
Smoothly interpolate towards a varying target rotation
Current rotation
Target rotation
Time since last tick
Interpolation speed
Smoothly interpolate towards a varying target rotation at a constant rate
Current rotation
Target rotation
Time since last tick
Interpolation speed
Linearly interpolate between a and b based on alpha
First rotation
Second rotation
Result is 100% of a when alpha=0 and 100% of b when alpha=1
An orthogonal rotation in 3d space