Return the player's cursor position
Return the player's cursor velocity
Get the card holder that represents the hand of the player
Get the card holder that represents the hand of the player
Return the objects that the player is currently holding. A held object can be released using GameObject.release
Return the object that the player has currently highlighted
Return the player's name
Return all objects that the player owns.
Return the player's color
Return the player's position
Return the player's primary color
Return the player's rotation
Return the player's secondary color
Return the objects that the player has currently selected. Note that held objects always count as selected.
Return the player slot of this player (a number from 0 to 19, or -1 if the player is a spectator). The slot determines the color of the player and what objects they own.
Return the player's team (1-8). 0 means no team. To switch teams, use GameWorld.setSlotTeam for the player's slot.
Return whether the player is currently blindfolded
Returns if the player is currently a game master
Return whether the player is currently holding objects
Return whether the player is currently holding the specified object
Return whether this player is the host of the current game
Return whether a script action key is held by the player
Returns if the player is currently a spectator
Return whether the player is using a VR headset to play.
Return whether the player is valid. A player becomes invalid when it drops out from the game
Send a message to the player's chat
Set whether the player is blindfolded
Set the color in which this player is drawing lines
Set the whether lines drawn by this player should be glowing
Set the thickness for lines drawn by this player
Set the card holder that represents the hand of the player. Can only be set to a holder that is owned by this player or a holder that has no owner.
Set the player's primary color
Set the player's secondary color
Set the selected objects for this player. Only works for objects that can be selected in the current cursor mode: in ground mode, regular objects in the list will be ignored. In modes that don't allow selecting objects (such as drawing mode), no objects will be selected. If the player is currently holding objects, the selection will not be changed.
Show a message on the player's screen
Switch the player to a new slot. Returns whether the switch was successful (it fails if another player already occupies the chosen slot or if the slot number is invalid). Switching slots changes the player's color.
The new player slot, between 0 and 19, or -1 to make the player a spectator
A player in the game